How to Create a Meaningful School Library Orientation

How to Create a Meaningful School Library Orientation - The purpose of a school library orientation, as with any library lesson, is to support classroom learning, and it's especially important that we set the tone of library visits for the entire school year. Here's what I do...and DON'T this first visit with new-to-the-school students. #NoSweatLibraryMy first 2 years as a new middle school librarian were fraught with mistakes, and my first 2 library orientations with ELA classes were especially horrible.

Thankfully ELA teachers gave me a third chance. I was able to create a lesson that is enjoyable for students and supportive of classroom activities.

My post on Library Orientations for Location explains some of my orientation decisions, but I offer here more detail on the rationale for what I do…and don’t do!


Our School Library Orientation establishes our year-long relationship with students and teachers, so we need to make it an enjoyable and relevant lesson. But even before I approach teachers to schedule the library visit, I set the stage with 2 strategies: explaining to teachers how to bring students into the library, and creating a quick video tour of the library for students to see who I am.

2 Valuable Pre-Orientation Strategies for a School Librarian - Here are 2 strategies I use before my school library orientations that save time and avoid confusion for students and teachers, and read more about how I maximize the value of the library visit. #NoSweatLibraryThe first day of school I show Introducing Your School Library through our whole-school TV channel. In this 3-minute video, I introduce myself, do a quick walk-around of the library, and give the times that the library opens and closes each day. This brief intro means new students are already aware of who I am so I can fully focus my Library Orientation on content. It’s so successful, that students begin greeting me in the hallways between periods even before their first library visit! I also show the video to parents at PTA Open House and post it on our library Website, which makes it a nice library advocacy tool.

I believe it’s important to establish a procedure for entering the library because it sets the tone for the rest of the visit. At our first staff development before school begins, I explain to teachers that, when they bring their classes to the library, students enter, sit down, and wait quietly for me to begin. I append that this procedure applies to any library visit with any teacher for any purpose. Even if there’s no lesson and I return to my desk, like during testing, I still want students seated to settle them down so I can welcome them into the space.

The reason I do this is because I want teachers to respect that the library is my classroom and I need to direct activities. I’ve learned that teachers appreciate the importance of having this procedure for hormonal middle schoolers!
(If a class comes in a bit unruly, I stop them at the door, have them line up in the hallway and, once quiet, invite them to re-enter the library in the proper way.  It only happens once or twice before they get the picture!)


Our English Language Arts classes begin the year studying narrative literature, and ELA teachers want to visit the library within the first two weeks of school so students can check out their first Fiction book. That establishes the purpose of the visit, so I eliminate everything from orientation that doesn’t serve this purpose. My content must be about reading Fiction and giving students plenty of time to find a book they’ll enjoy.

It’s a given that our lowest-grade-level students are new to the school and our building is an alien environment. They have new teachers, new peers, maybe a bus ride, a new schedule, new textbooks, and lockers. The library isn’t important (sorry friends, but it’s true), and it won’t become so if students are overwhelmed at their first visit. It doesn’t matter whether our students are in 1st grade or 6th grade or 9th grade, newbies only need to know 3 things about their “new” library:

  1. Where the Fiction area is and how it’s arranged
  2. How to choose a good book
  3. How to check out their book
We DON’T need to:

  • talk about returning books, since they haven’t checked any out yet.
  • talk about Dewey or any other area of the library because they’re only choosing a Fiction book.
  • discuss our website or online services, since they’ll only be browsing for a print book.
  • dictate rules that will only discourage them.
    (My ELA teachers want to return 2 weeks later for book return, so that’s when I do Library Expectations—not “rules”—and policies, such as checkout period and overdues.)

Use These 2 Videos At Your School Library Orientations - Two persistent questions students have about the School Library is 'How to Choose a Good Book' and whether they can return an unfinished book. These 2 short videos answer those questions in an engaging way. Watch them here...I begin by having students tour the Fiction area to see how it’s arranged, recall how to identify a Fiction spine label, and put a simulated Fiction “book” on the shelf. They ‘win’ a customized Fiction Subject bookmark that builds anticipation for getting their first book. This activity only takes 6 or 7 minutes…lots of time left for discussing how to choose the perfect book.

tiny version of IT IS FOR ME appMany of my middle school students don’t actually know how to choose a book. I created IT IS FOR ME!, a mnemonic checklist on ¼ sheet of paper that looks like a phone app, and students watch a 4-minute video to learn how to use it:

I do limit students to one Fiction book for their first checkout and here’s why:

  • Newbies need time to practice using the app to narrow their choice.
  • For a variety of reasons, the first check-out takes more time, so a single choice allows it to begin sooner and go faster.
  • With so much new, these kids just can’t keep track of more than one book right now.
  • What I tell students is that everyone in the school will be checking out a Fiction book during the first couple weeks, and by limiting everyone to one Fiction book we maximize the selection for all.

Students have plenty of time to look for a book and fill out the app. I tell them they can pick a book and keep looking around; if they find a better one, leave the first one lying sideways on the shelf for me to re-shelve—an easy procedure, no questions. When they’ve found a book that fills the checklist, they give their app to the teacher for their daily grade, then return to their seat and begin reading to be sure they’ve chosen the “perfect” book.

I’ve mentioned before that my teachers like to give a daily grade for a library visit, and I don’t want the criterion to be behavior. Thus I always have a worksheet or exit ticket so teachers have a relevant document for a grade. 

Just as I have a standard procedure for entering the library, I also have a standard checkout procedure. At this first library visit students learn it and we follow it for every visit at every grade level for the entire school year.

  1. After choosing books, students sit down and begin reading quietly for DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read). I discovered this early free reading allows students to become immersed in the story so they are more likely to continue reading the book to its finish. It’s true even for reluctant readers. (It also gives students a chance to change out their book if they realize it isn’t what they really want.)
  2. To establish the orderly checkout process, I go to the library seating area and quietly invite 2 tables—usually 6-8 students—to come to the circulation desk for check out.
  3. Students line up single file, continuing to read as the line moves up; when I’ve checked out their book, they return to their seat.
  4. When I’m done with a group, I go over and quietly invite another 2 tables for checkout.
     (If students in line get chatty, I send them back to their tables and check them out after everyone else; they rarely do it again.)

My ELA teachers really love this checkout procedure, especially free reading, and they began to have DEAR time in their classrooms for half the period on the same day of the week between library visits. I’ve related in other posts how extended free reading improved our State Reading Test scores each year. When other middle schools in our district saw the dramatic increase, our principal shared that one of the factors was library DEAR time every other week. As a result, library visits every 2-3 weeks and free reading time were written into the middle school ELA curriculum.

Once I’ve finished the checkout procedure I allow students to continue reading until about a minute before the class period ends. At that time I ask students for their attention, thank them for visiting, and tell them they’ll be returning in 2 weeks for another short lesson, when they can return their book and check out new ones.


Sixth grade students return to the library 2 weeks later, following our procedure for entering the library. Middle schoolers get seated more quickly if I have the learning target displayed on either a screen (if I have a presentation) or an easel (if I don’t) so they know what to expect.

Again the purpose of the visit determines the content of the lesson, and this time students only need to know 2 things:

  • how to return books
  • library expectations (policies, procedures, behavior)

First we address returning books. Students who have finished their book are asked to place it in the return slot at the circulation desk. I lead students through deciding whether to return an unfinished book using a short animation called The 20-page Guide.

Kids are always surprised about returning unfinished books. Somehow they’ve gotten the idea that they have to finish a book, even if they don’t like it. Absurd. With thousands of books in our fiction area, why shouldn’t a kid be able to sample until they find one they like enough to finish. Frankly, I think it’s the only way we can really learn what will spark our reluctant readers!

After a quick demonstration of where to go for a Fire Drill and a Code Red, students do a Concept Attainment activity at their tables to learn Library Expectations (policies, procedures, behavior). The YES/NO organization of pictorial cards allows discussion and cements the information much better than any explanation I could give. I know it’s successful because weeks later I’ll hear a student remind another one about the “picture” for something they’re doing or a question they have!

Before releasing students to the Fiction area to look for books—1 if they didn’t return their first book and 2 if they did—I present some additional reading choices that may interest them:

  1. State Middle School Reading List section
  2. Multicultural choices
  3. Special Collection to support reading for their 6g Social Studies curriculum.

Students again use the IT IS FOR ME app as their daily grade, returning to their seat for DEAR time and the checkout process. Shortly before the end of the period I display the date of their next library visit and have them write it in their planner as a reminder to bring their books back. This action curbs a lot of overdue books!


Use These 2 Videos At Your School Library Orientations - Two persistent questions students have about the School Library is 'How to Choose a Good Book' and whether they can return an unfinished book. These 2 short videos answer those questions in an engaging way. Watch them here...This 6th grade school library orientation has been a success, year after year, for more than 10 years. ELA teachers love it because it gets kids reading right away and we don’t waste time on unnecessary minutiae. In fact, they come to me the week before school to be sure they’re scheduled for their orientation and successive visits. I do each 6g class separately for the first visit to have more time for the book checkout process. After that the 2 classes come together, meeting directly in the library instead of the classroom to avoid disruption and to have more time.

A benefit of this lesson is I don’t need a lot of differentiation for Special Education students, for Reading Recovery students, or for Level 1 ELL students. I simply bring the classes in separately so I can work with them on the activities. I do feature additional reading choices that are adapted to their needs—especially picture books, QuikReads (lower-level, easy reader chapter books), and graphic novels.

As fun as this newbie orientation is, I don’t use it for returning students who already have some experience with the library. I have unique library orientations for my higher grade level students, and my next blog post is how I customize lessons for them.

line of books laying down - indicates end of blog article

You can get my 6g Library Orientation through my NoSweat TPT store,
or get the 678 Orientation bundle!
A 2-visit Library Orientation customized for 6g students who are new to the school. This Common Core & NSLS aligned Lesson Plan with English Language Arts classes is focused entirely on Reading and Narrative literature. Contains Lesson Plan, 2 slide presentations, 2 PDFs slideshows & 3 MP4 videos, PDF presenter Notes, 2 student Activity worksheets, and a Fiction Subjects bookmark template. #NoSweatLibrary #libraryorientation #ELA Bundle of my 3 Common Core & NSLS aligned Library Orientation Lessons for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades that promote Reading and support English Language Arts study of narrative literature. Includes Library Lesson Plans, slide presentations, editable docs or PDFs of student Activity worksheets & bookmarks, and 4 mp4 videos. #NoSweatLibrary #libraryorientation #ELA

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Reading Logs and the School Librarian

Reading Logs & the School Librarian - Reading Logs can discourage students or they can be valuable enhancements for reading promotion. A perceptive School Librarian can develop reading promotion tools to make a School Library Reading Program preferred by teachers and enjoyed by students. #NoSweatLibraryDo your teachers use Reading Logs to document student reading? Does your “school policy” dictate that teachers employ reading logs with students? If so, you—and some of your teachers—may be asking these questions:

  • What is the purpose of reading logs?
  • Are some reading logs better than others?
  • What are the alternatives to reading logs?

If you were an elementary or ELA teacher before becoming a School Librarian you may accept reading logs as a normal part of the classroom experience. I’m a School Librarian from a different subject background, and I have some concerns about this practice.


Many teachers believe a reading log is a good way to develop students as readers:

  • They keep track of books they’ve read and which ones they liked.
  • They learn which kinds of stories (subjects/genres) they prefer.
  • They self-assess and understand themselves as readers.
  • Teachers can dialogue with students about their reading.

These are admirable purposes, but too often the result is forced daily reading and recording the number of minutes and/or pages on a chart, to be signed by a parent, and turned in to the teacher. I saw hundreds of these during a quick image search, and here’s a typical layout:

Excerpt of a typical Reading Log

Unfortunately, this type of reading log doesn’t really fulfill any of a reading log’s intended purposes!

Such reading logs were the topic a few years ago on Scott McLeod’s blog “Dangerously Irrelevant”, based on a blog post by parent Lisa Morguess, who had this to say:

  • A reading log says, “I don’t trust you to read.”
  • They turn reading into a chore.
  • Time spent matters more than content or understanding.
  • This is not learning – it’s obedience.

There were dozens of comments on both posts, and commenter Mark was particularly anguished:

I shudder at the very recent memory of my 5th grade daughter proudly bringing me her reading log to show me how much she had read this week and then, of course, get me to sign it. My daughter loves to read, but now her pride isher log, rather than discussing her books in great detail as she did just this past summer, when there was no log.

As a School Librarian, I believe this type of reading log is not about students at all–it’s about teacher accountability. How else can a teacher “prove” that they are “teaching” kids to “love reading”? For many years we had free reading at our school with great success. One year teachers were told to have students “document” the time they were reading by filling out reading logs and using weekly bookmarks with daily questions to answer. To comply, some teachers even began to dictate what kind and how many books students must check out at their library visits. Well, that year our state test scores dropped, and some of our best ELA teachers left for less rigid environments. All the fun had gone out of reading, so the next year we went back to free—and undocumented—reading (and our reading scores went back up)!


Reading Records That Encourage Independent Reading - Students like to keep track of books they read, but forced recording of time and pages discourages even the most voracious reader. Here's how School Librarians can give students a better way to track reading that also satisfies teacher & administrative demands. #NoSweatLibraryAs a Middle School Librarian I realized students do like to keep track of books they read, so I created a simple Reading Record with space for the title and author of the book and a star rating for students to indicate how much they enjoyed the book. It wasn’t required and the forms were on the circulation desk for students to put into their binder. This type of record isn’t discouraging—it builds pride in a personal accomplishment.

Then, four consecutive developments prompted me to re-evaluate reading promotion:

  1. We became an International Baccalaureate school, which encourages global-mindedness.
  2. I reorganized our Fiction book area by Subjects (genres) using pictorial spine stickers & color transparent label covers.
  3. The district English Language Arts department launched the Reader/Writer Workshop model with students using interactive Reader/Writer Notebooks.
  4. The district Social Studies department instituted Interactive Notebooks and advocated for more content area reading to support their curriculum.

I could see an interconnection and devised a new strategy to promote more—and better—student reading. First, I identified more Fiction books with multicultural characters and added relevant spine stickers. While reorganizing Fiction, I created 3 Special Collections for Social Studies, one of which focused on global books. Finally, I modified my Library Orientation Lessons to incorporate the wide variety of reading options and created brand new Reading Records:

  • For ELA, a legal-sized sheet for students to fold in half and paste into their Reader/Writer Notebook:
    image of ELA Reading Record to paste into the student Reader/Writer Notebook #NoSweatLibrary #reading #ELA

    click to enlarge

    1. a reading chart with images of the 8 main Fiction Subject stickers,
    2. a chart with images of 5 Multicultural stickers,
    3. a chart with 2 additional Fiction Subject stickers, our State Reading List sticker, a space for an expository text informational book, and a space for a poetry book.

I later modified this Reading Record by moving the State Reading list to the Multicultural chart and added grade-level Social Studies books to the third chart so students (by agreement between teachers) could enter the same Narrative Fiction and Expository Informational books for both classes.

  • For Social Studies, a letter-sized sheet for students to paste into their Interactive Notebook, one for each course:
    1. a chart for 6g with images of the continents identifying their GlobeTrekker collection
    2. a chart for 7g with reading options for their Sensational State collection (Totally Texas for us)
    3. a chart for 8g with reading options for their Read America collection

Content Reading in Social Studies - Sample Reading Records, Bookmarks, Stickers for 3 grades in Middle School.

My ELA teachers are elated with their new Reading Record and prefer it over the one provided by the district. Social Studies teachers also appreciate their customized Reading Record to promote content area reading. Now, I copy and distribute enough Reading Records to ELA and Social Studies teachers so each student can paste one into their Reader/Writer and Interactive Notebooks when they create them during the first week of school.


To help students locate and keep track of similar kinds of stories, I’ve created topical bookmarks. Copied to both sides of colorful card-stock and cut apart, I provide over 2 dozen different bookmarks to students, and they’re a big hit. Some students use the same topical bookmark over and over, so they can track books read by crossing off titles as they read them. Other students use them as a search tool, choosing a new one each time they visit to try a new book topic.

Snip of several colorful topical bookmarks side-by-side

Colorized examples of topical bookmarks

While reading the comments on the blogs mentioned above, I thought Mike F’s comment would be a cool idea for older students:

I love an alternative model from Jim Mahoney in his awesome book, Power and Portfolios. He does “literary letters” where students write more deeply about what they are reading and thinking, and exchange letters with classmates about once a week. 

Student Reading Logs can be horribly discouraging for students or they can be valuable enhancements to any reading program for English Language Arts and other content areas. A perceptive School Librarian can see the interconnections between content reading and develop tools that will make a School Library Reading Program preferred by teachers and enjoyed by students.

line of books laying down

If you, too, want to increase reading & improve student achievement, get Reading for ELA, Content Reading for Social Studies, or the Reading Promotion for ELA & Social Studies bundle from my NoSweat Library store on TeachersPayTeachers.
Entice your students to read a variety of Fiction Subjects and other literary genres for English Language Arts class. Perfect for the school library or for an ELA teacher's classroom library. Lesson slide presentation, Reading Record for Reader/Writer Notebook, Bookmark of Fiction Subjects, Book spine labels for 11 Fiction Subjects, 6 Multicultural, State Reading List. #NoSweatLibrary #schoollibrary #readingpromotion #ELA #reading #middleschool Entice your students to read a variety of Fiction and NonFiction books to get better grades in their Social Studies classes. Customized reading promotion for 3 common Middle School courses: World Cultures/Geography, State History, and U.S. History. Make Library visits relevant and meaningful. You will find this middle school Reading Promotion Bundle a valuable tool to promote content area reading for both English Language Arts and Social Studies, and to minimize the time it takes students to find something to read.

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