Best Practices for School Librarians

Best Practices for School Librarians - Are you a Librarian Influencer? For Dr. Laura Sheneman's Podcasts, veteran School Librarians share their expertise to help us build our personal learning network & be effective instructional partners in our schools. Listen in to The Legacy of Librarianship Continues Because of Best Practices. #NoSweatLibraryMY LIBRARIAN INFLUENCERS

I believe our only purpose as a school librarian is to educate our youth. Books may be perfectly arranged on shelves and electronic devices hum, but the students that pass through our doors are the most important reason we are where we are. We can’t forget that. A kid is more important than a book or a piece of equipment or any other material in our school library. All those other things are expendable; a child is not. Even the difficult ones.

I make this point on my blog, and I make it in my interview with Dr. Laura Sheneman, the producer and host for the Librarian Influencers Podcast.

The Librarian Influencers Podcast highlights experienced librarians who share their knowledge and expertise with other K-12 school librarians, especially those new to the field or studying to become school librarians.

Dr. Laura Sheneman taught Library Science graduate courses for more than 10 years at Sam Houston State University, and then was Coordinator of the Division of Instructional Support at the Texas Education Agency Region 1 ESC along the Rio Grande River in South Texas. Now she is a professor of school library media at the University of West Georgia.

Looking @ Best Practices for School Librarians - Are you a Librarian Influencer? On Dr. Laura Sheneman's Podcasts, veteran School Librarians share their expertise to help us build our personal learning network & be effective instructional partners in our schools. Listen in to The Legacy of Librarianship Continues Because of Best Practices. #NoSweatLibrary #schoollibrary #bestpractices #readingpromotion #libraryadministration #teachercollaborationI feel so honored to be part of the group of librarians Dr. Sheneman has presented in her Podcasts. She gives an introduction and overview of our talk as a post, which includes links to both her podcast page and her page for the audio interview.

To hear our interview, which I hope you find helpful,
please visit Dr. Laura Sheneman’s Podcast

I had a wonderful time talking with Dr. Sheneman. We discovered a shared vision about what a School Library Program can be, and much common ground on policies & procedures.

I’ve read Dr. Sheneman’s blog and listened to all her podcasts. She is now an important part of my professional learning network. When you listen to her podcast interviews with veteran librarians, I know you’ll want to add her to your PLN, too.

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Looking @ the ‘Giants’ Who Empowered This Teacher Librarian

Looking @ the 'Giants' Who Empowered This Teacher Librarian - On World Teachers Day it's fitting to reflect that great mentors empower us to make a difference in the lives of others. Sir Isaac Newton captured my thoughts perfectly: "If I have seen further it is by standing on ye sholders of Giants." Thank you to the 'giants' who have influenced my life. #NoSweatLibrary #inspirationWorld Teachers’ Day, celebrated every year on October 5th, is the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. That document begins with the assertion that “the right to education is a fundamental human right” and then recognizes “the essential role of teachers in educational advancement and the importance of their contribution to the development of man and modern society.” The recommendation continues with a set of 146 standards outlining the rights and responsibilities for teachers throughout the world.

The theme for the year I write this article is “Teaching in Freedom, Empowering Teachers” and I reflect on why I became a teacher and who empowered me to pursue this noble profession?

Why did I become a teacher?

From my earliest years I heard my paternal grandmother talk about her teaching experiences, and my mother told me I talked of being a teacher even before I began school. Throughout my own schooling I admired all my teachers and worked hard to be a good student, even if my behavior taxed their patience. I loved learning, and I often helped other students understand complex concepts or work through assignments they struggled with. In college, students I didn’t know would approach me to help them, having heard from others of my willingness to tutor peers.

I spent my first 2 years of college in Science, a year in Business, then switched to Social Science, but inevitably I fulfilled my inner desire and earned my teaching certification—it took an extra year of studies, but I found my true purpose in life.

The joy from seeing someone finally “get it”
cannot be surpassed!

I later became a School Librarian to expand my teaching beyond a single classroom, and that’s another decision I know was right for me. Being a School Librarian has enlarged my vision of education to encompass every student, every teacher, every subject, and a myriad of effective teaching strategies for any need. When health issues made it necessary for me to retire, I continued sharing my expertise through LM_NET, through this Looking Backward blog, and through No Sweat Library, my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Who Empowered Me?

During my writing journey for this blog I frequently think of those who have most influenced me as a writer, as a Teacher, and as a School Librarian. In a 1676 letter to Robert Hooke, Sir Isaac Newton wrote “If I have seen further it is by standing on ye sholders of Giants,” paraphrasing the words that John of Salisbury attributes to Bernard of Chartres, 500 years before Newton:

We [the Moderns] are like dwarves perched on the shoulders of giants [the Ancients], and thus we are able to see more and farther…because we are carried aloft and elevated by the magnitude of the giants.

My mentors gave me the power to make a difference in the lives of the students and teachers with whom I come in contact. Thus I share with you readers my paraphrase of Newton and a dedication to the incredible people who have most influenced my life path, who have helped me become the Teacher and School Librarian I wanted to be, and who continue to inspire me to share with others, so they, too, can realize their dreams.

Dedication to those who have helped me become what I am and to do what I do.

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