Student Interview Projects with the School Librarian

Student Interview Projects with the School Librarian - Interviews can spice up any student project and give students a new perspective on their content. Here are 2 examples of how School Librarians can collaborate with subject area teachers to give Library Lessons on research & interviewing techniques. #NoSweatLibraryWho doesn’t love hearing stories and insights from interesting people? Interviews can spice up any student project and give students a new perspective on content they are learning. Middle schoolers especially enjoy interview projects and I can tell you they are a very creative bunch.

School Librarians can find several opportunities to integrate student interviews into collaborative lessons. Whether live interviews or mock interviews, the process is the same, and regardless of theme or topic, research and information literacy skills can be taught as students gather background for their interviews.

Let’s look at two popular projects in my middle school, one at the start of the school year and the other at the end.


During the 1st grading period of the school year, our 7th grade Social Studies students learn about the immigration of various groups into our State. During this same period, 7th grade English Language Arts students write personal narratives, so the teachers and I decided to combine the two assignments into a cross-discipline collaborative unit called “My Heritage—How and Why Am I in This State?

Many students don’t know their own history of how they came to be in their State, so we ask them to interview family members to find out. This project gives students a sense of their own identity (important for middle schoolers) and provides a personal understanding of conceptual factors that have brought people into our State.

KWHL Chart for Alternative Energy Project - ExampleEnglish Language Arts classes visit the Library first for a brainstorming lesson. I begin the Library Lesson with a read aloud: Allen Say’s picture book Grandfather’s Journey, a personal story of how he reconnected with his family background.

We pass out a KWHL worksheet (example from another unit at left) and I guide students in writing down what they Know about themselves and their families. Next I help them generate Want to know questions on the worksheet, which they take home and use to interview their parents—who are Source #1, which allows me to teach a personal interview citation. On a subsequent day in the classroom, ELA teachers model letter form and good letter writing so students can mail questions to family members living elsewhere.

State History Social Studies classes are the second Library visit. I tell students they are learning the history of themselves in the same way they are learning the history of our State. During this Library visit they will gather historical background on our State to answer W questions their parents couldn’t answer and also to create new interview questions.

I start with my Keyword Search Form and review search strategies so students can use various print and online primary and secondary sources related to State History, such as biographies and autobiographies; speeches, letters & diaries; and songs & artwork. I also model note-taking on the back of their KWHL worksheet—students have a tendency to write out everything, so modeling “Does this answer the question on my KWHL sheet?” keeps them focused.

History & Heritage: Student Interview Project With Family Members - School Librarians teach students research skills, interviewing skills, and web design in this exciting project for a middle school State History project. #NoSweatLibraryDuring the next few days students continue to gather information through interviews and research. We don’t expect a family tree from the time of the conquistadors, but every student can learn about the lives of their parents and grandparents. State History teachers help them compare and contrast the historical events they are learning about and the lives of their own family.

For their final product we offer students 3 product options—written, crafted, or oral, and two of them integrate technology:

  • During a library visit I show students how to create a webpage so information can be shared with family members who live far away. Students learn that information displayed on the Web must be well-written and concise, forcing them to thoroughly think through and edit their research results.
  • The crafted choice is a photograph poster of family mementos. For students who choose this option, I show them how to use our digital cameras and check them out, usually over a weekend. When they return I show them how to download and print out the images.
  • 7g students enjoy playacting, so mock interviews or newscasts appeal to them. Students with common events in their background can group together to give “eyewitness” accounts. This helps students discern that historical “truths” often depend on one’s point of view—a valuable lesson as they study State history.

At a final Library visit we watch oral presentations, followed by a walk-around to view webpages on computers and crafted photo posters hung along the bookcases. It’s a great way to begin the school year and satisfies the curricular needs of both English Language Arts and Social Studies.


In the spring, our 3rd year Spanish students demonstrate their language skills with a group project en Español: a game show or an Oprah-type entertainment show, which we broadcast into the classroom through our closed-circuit TV channel. Both shows require students to do interviews, a short one for the game show and a more in-depth celebrity-type interview for the entertainment show. For this project we have 2 Library Lesson visits: at the first visit students learn about creating good personal interview questions, and during the second visit students learn how to prepare for the TV broadcast.

Here's How a Student Interview Project Becomes a TV Show - School Librarians can make a student interview project more authentic by putting it "on the air" with this Library Lesson. #NoSweatLibraryThe short interview is a 30-60 second introduction of the game show Players; the show host says “Tell us a little about yourself” and each Player responds with his/her fabricated character’s “bio”: home city/state (it can’t be ours), career or job, something about their family (this can be true or made up), and a favorite hobby, song, or movie.

For the in-depth interview I provide students with books on video & TV interviews and short celebrity biographies. I help them generate open-ended questions that prompt the responder to answer with greater depth and variety than just yes or no. The goal for both interviews is that students show their competence using Español, so we encourage them to be imaginative with their responses and in creating the activity.

The second visit is a Library Lesson about good “on-camera presence.” Students learn to look at the camera while answering questions, how to modulate their voice & pace their talking, to avoid distracting gestures, and about best on-camera colors for clothing. We critique demonstrations, then students break into groups to practice their TV shows, during which I schedule their broadcast times over the next week.

Watching the “on air” TV broadcast in the classroom lends an authenticity to this lesson that excites students. After we did this the first time, word got around the school that “Ms. P has a Television Studio in the Library!” and students from all grades began asking teachers if they could “do TV shows with Ms. P” for their various projects. A School Librarian can be kept pretty busy giving lessons on interviewing and then transmitting TV broadcasts to classrooms!


Visit Story Corps - Story Corps is dedicated to providing a legacy of real voices that are archived at the Library of Congress. Their website,, has "Great Questions" that anyone can use for effective interviews. #NoSweatLibraryIf you’ve never heard of StoryCorps, you’ll want to check them out. They began in 2003 with a Storybooth in Grand Central Terminal in NYC and they continue to give people a way to share conversations. They have recording sites, mobile story tours around the U.S., and an app on their website, all dedicated to providing a legacy of real voices that are archived at the Library of Congress.

“Our mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world.”

Great Questions” on their website is a wonderful resource that anyone can use to promote more effective and enjoyable interviews. (I receive no compensation for this endorsement.)

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School Librarians Can Use Professional Development to Create “Essential” Lessons

School Librarians Can Use Professional Development to Create "Essential" Lessons - Teachers have "essential" lessons for CCSS, C3SS, and NGSS, but where are those for Information Literacy skills? School Librarians can use professional development to create Essential Lessons that integrate library skills with subject area classroom learning to enhance student achievement. #NoSweatLibraryWe who are School Librarians moved from classroom to library because we wanted to have a greater impact on all students in all subject areas. We are eager to collaborate with teachers—the reason a school needs a certified School Librarian—but we soon discover we’re the only ones who know that collaboration is supposed to happen.

Alas, most teachers and administrators view us as merely a paraprofessional who checks out books, and we lament that teachers don’t make time to collaborate. Well, we learned about teacher-librarian collaboration during our library coursework, so we can’t expect other classroom teachers to know about it either. It’s our responsibility as School Librarians to create collaborative opportunities. We can’t expect teachers to come to us; we have to go to them, and we need to show them how their students will benefit from Library Lessons.


I believe we need to quit thinking in terms of “marketing” our library or our resources or even ourselves as a way to promote collaboration. We’ve been advocating this way for years and no one understands us; I believe it’s because we offer collaboration as a “service.” Teachers are already overwhelmed with curriculum, grades, parent communication, IEPs, school meetings, and other duties when they aren’t working with students. Why would we expect them to set aside time to meet with us when we have nothing concrete to offer them?

Instead, let’s offer a specific “product” to teachers—an integrated Library Lesson that gives students an Information Literacy Skill and the teacher a better learning plan. Further, let’s offer not just any lesson, but an integrated Library Lesson for one of their “essential” lessons.

Classroom teachers have “essential” lessons for Common Core State Standards, C3 Framework for Social Studies, and Next Generation Science, many of which integrate ISTE Technology Standards. Significantly missing are “essential” lessons which integrate the Library Standards.

We don’t have to know why these lessons are considered “essential” in order to integrate library skills into at least a few of them. And we don’t have to do it alone.


PD & "Essential" School Library Lessons Ensure Student Success - School Librarians can use professional development to integrate Information Literacy skills into subject area "essential" lessons and increase student achievement. #NoSweatLibraryLibrarians in my school district have mapped out library skills at each grade level, building advanced skills from one grade to the next. This K-12 Information Literacy Scope and Sequence, coordinated with National School Library Standards, guides us as we create lessons for any grade, any subject. It doesn’t, however, ensure that all kids in X grade learn what they need to prepare them for X+1 grade because it’s hard to convince teachers to allocate time for a library visit to serve our needs. Thus we’ve begun to use our professional development meetings to make “essential” lessons of various subject areas even more “Essential” by integrating information literacy skills.

Since Info-Lit skills are applicable across all content, we first identify each grade’s “essential” lessons for each subject area throughout the school year. Then we determine where we can integrate the introduction, reinforcement, and mastery of grade-specific library skills with the subject-area lesson. For example, if we know kids at X grade level need to master Info-Lit Skill Y, then we can create Essential Lessons to

  • introduce Info-Lit Skill Y into Teacher A’s English/Language Arts “essential” lesson,
  • reinforce Info-Lit Skill Y through Teacher B’s Social Studies “essential” lesson, and
  • help students master Info-Lit Skill Y during Teacher C’s Science “essential” lesson.

This type of scaffolding is familiar to classroom teachers, and they will understand us scaffolding our Essential Lessons into their “essential” lessons, rather than teaching a discrete lesson for a random classroom activity. As we use our professional development to create more Essential Library Lessons, we’re improving student achievement, increasing use of the library and its resources, and enhancing our visibility in the school. We owe it to our teachers and our students—and ourselves—to do this!


My Library Lesson Curriculum Matrix - Composite example of an older version for the 1st grading period.I’ve written about my Curriculum Matrix and how I use it to create my Library Lessons. I actually began it during my second year in the school library. It has been so successful a way to scaffold my lessons and market specific lessons to teachers, that now my teachers seek me out for a library lesson if they even sniff an opportunity to visit the library during their units. The image at right is the overview tab of my Matrix spreadsheet.

Other spreadsheets in my Library Lesson Matrix I also have a tab for each grade level with every unit for every subject listed by week and grading period, with any school- or subject-wide testing dates, such as MAP and State tests noted. With these sheets I can scaffold grade-level skills across the different subjects within that grade, so I’m sure that, by the end of the school year, students will master all the necessary library skills for their grade level.

Finally, I have a tab for each subject across all 3 grade levels, again with every unit by week and grading period. With these sheets I can scaffold skills from one grade level to the next, building more complex and advanced skills upon what students learned the year before. This way I can be sure that students will fully master all the necessary library skills for middle school and are prepared for the increased demands of high school.

I encourage you to create your own Library Curriculum Matrix and look for which “essential” lessons of your subject area teachers can become Essential Library Lessons.


“Essential Lessons” can boost our teacher collaborations at every grade level and subject area across our entire school district, as we use these “products” to convince each teacher that our lessons provide value to them and to their students. And when students produce a new authentic assessment product, the teacher will want us to teach another lesson later on, which gives us an opportunity to introduce or reinforce another Info-Lit skill through another Essential Lesson.

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